Before you begin
- Records that contain special characters (commas, quotation marks, etc.) can result in corrupted data, and can even cause imports to fail. We suggest doing a test import with only 2 or 3 records to ensure your formatting is correct. To learn more about special characters in import files, see Troubleshooting Imports.
- When importing, any columns that you leave blank will result in blank records, as they are not auto-populated by the CMMS. To prevent unexpected issues, we suggest removing any columns you don’t need to update.
- Pay special attention when importing any data with leading zeros (e.g. part code "0003423") as they are sometimes dropped in CSV and Excel files. Double-check your imports to ensure that the leading zeros are preserved.
This article provides resources to help you import data into your CMMS. The sections linked below contain templates you can use to import your data correctly:
- Import custom fields
- Import users
- Import businesses
- Import assets
- Import parts & supplies
- Import task groups
- Import scheduled maintenance
- Import work orders
- Import meter readings
- Import asset events
- Import asset event types
Click a link in the list above to jump to a specific section.
1. Custom fields
In your old CMMS system, you may have created custom fields on the asset record. For example, wingspan for a plane, or max towing weight for a truck. Before you can import this data into Fiix, you need to create those custom fields in CMMS Settings. To learn more, see Create custom fields.
2. Users
Template: Users import template
Required fields:
- Full Name
- User Name
- Password
For a full list of importable fields, as well as their descriptions and instructions, see the user import template linked above.
3. Businesses
Template: Business import template
Required fields:
- Business Name
For a full list of importable fields, as well as their descriptions and instructions, see the businesses import template linked above.
4. Assets
- Import your assets
- Import asset, child, and grandchild assets
- Import assets with multiple users/suppliers
Template: Asset import template
Required fields:
- Asset Name
- Asset Code
For a full list of importable fields, as well as their descriptions and instructions, see the asset import template linked above.
5. Parts & supplies
Template: Parts and supplies import template
Note: The part naming our template is only an example. The app does not auto-generate part names using that format.
Required fields:
- Parts & Supplies Name
- Parts & Supplies Code
- Location Code
For a full list of importable fields, as well as their descriptions and instructions, see the parts import template linked above.
6. Task groups
Template: Task groups import template
Required fields:
- Group Name
- Task Description
For a full list of importable fields, as well as their descriptions and instructions, see the task groups import template linked above.
7. Scheduled maintenance
Instructions: Import scheduled maintenance
Template: Scheduled maintenance import template
Required fields:
- SM Code
- Asset Code
For a full list of importable fields, as well as their descriptions and instructions, see the scheduled maintenance import template linked above.
Note: If you need to re-import your scheduled maintenance to update fields, it will automatically be deactivated. For it to trigger work orders, you must manually activate it again after the import.
8. Work orders
Template: Work orders import template
Required fields:
- Work Order Code
For a full list of importable fields, as well as their descriptions and instructions, see the work order import template linked above.
9. Meter readings
Instructions: Batch importing meter readings from a .CSV file
Importable fields:
- Asset Code
- Asset Name
- Work Order Code
- Meter Reading
- Meter Reading Unit
- Reading Date
Note: Dates must use the following format: mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss
10. Asset events
Importable fields:
- Asset Code
- Asset Name
- Work Order Code
- Even Type
- Event Date
- Additional Description
11. Asset event types
File: Asset Event Types Importable Fields (Headers)
Importable fields:
- Event Code
- Event Name
- Description