Before you begin
- Asset import template can be downloaded here (Excel spreadsheet).
- Records that contain special characters (commas, quotation marks, etc.) can result in corrupted data, and can even cause imports to fail. We suggest doing a test import with only 2 or 3 records to ensure your formatting is correct. To learn more about special characters in import files, see Troubleshooting Imports.
When importing, any columns that you leave blank will result in blank records, as they are not auto-populated by the CMMS. To prevent unexpected issues, we suggest removing any columns you don’t need to update.
Assets can be imported in v5 using a .CSV spreadsheet. The CSV file to import assets should have one 'header' line, which contains column names, and then one line for each asset to be imported.
1. Select Save as CSV file when closing in Excel. This is an example:
2. Navigate to Settings > Import as shown below.
3. Selecting Import brings up the following box. From here you will click Assets to start the asset import.
4. Click into the Input File box to locate your file on your drive. Click Continue when the file has been selected.
5. Select the appropriate Default Asset Category from the drop down menu. This is the category that the assets will be imported into if no category is specified.
6. Define the field mappings by matching the header item in the file to the corresponding item from the drop down menu. The Fields on the left are from the CSV file, the fields in the drop downs are CMMS fields.
Note: (Do Not Import) means the import tool could not match the column to a field in the CMMS. You can choose to map those fields manually, or not import them.
In this case, the 'Serial#' column from the CSV file wasn't an exact match with that of the CMMS's, since the CMMS field is spelled differently. The CMMS field is spelled 'Serial Number' as opposed to 'Serial#'; therefore, that column needs to be mapped manually as per below.
7. When all the fields are mapped, click Continue to commence the import.
8. The Import will commence and the CMMS will start looking for errors in the file.
9. If your file has errors or warnings, you will see the details in the import screen. In this case, the CMMS has detected that one of the line items in the CMMS is already in the system. We have the option to either skip, insert another, overwrite, or update. You can select the "Use this answer for all future questions" if the same response is desired for all equipment.
10. The CMMS will provide a Summary of your choices. Select Import to confirm.
11. The Equipment import is now complete. You can select Done to check your work in the Asset Menu.