Before you begin
- Records that contain special characters (commas, quotation marks, etc.) can result in corrupted data, and can even cause imports to fail. We suggest doing a test import with only 2 or 3 records to ensure your formatting is correct. To learn more about special characters in import files, see Troubleshooting Imports.
When importing, any columns that you leave blank will result in blank records, as they are not auto-populated by the CMMS. To prevent unexpected issues, we suggest removing any columns you don’t need to update.
This article demonstrates how to create a multi-asset scheduled maintenance using the import/export tool. Note Multi-Site Users: You can only import multiple assets that are located at the same Site.
Please note: this feature is only available on our professional tiers and above.
1. Click Assets, expand the hierarchy, select the assets you want to add to the the multi-asset scheduled maintenance, and click Export.
2. Open the file, and remove all of the columns except for the Code.
3. Create a .csv file with the column headings as below. Each column should have the same information except for the Code.
4. Save your file. The file must be in a .csv format to be imported into your CMMS.
5. Navigate back to the CMMS, click Maintenance, Scheduled Maintenance, and Import
6. Select the file, and click Continue.
7. The next step is to map your fields. In this case, 'Code' from the .csv file represents the 'Asset Code' within the CMMS.
- Default Site - Must be the site that the assets exist in
- Default Status - Define the status you want the Scheduled Maintenance to have - Open, Requested, Assigned etc
- Date/Time Format - Choose 1 from the 9 options.
Once satisfied, click Continue
8. You will then be given a chance to briefly review what effect the import will have. Click Import.
9. The final pop-up box will review the import. Any errors etc will be listed here. Click Done.
10. Open the Scheduled Maintenance, and review the record.
11. The next steps include:
- Add your Scheduling Triggers - You can read more about Scheduled Maintenance triggers in the Scheduled Maintenance Triggers Article
- Assign a user/user group - More information on assigning users to Scheduled Maintenances can be found by scrolling to the Labor Tasks section of the Getting Started with Work Orders article
- Activate your Scheduled Maintenance - Click the Paused Button on any tab of your Scheduled Maintenance to activate it.