This article answers frequently asked questions about the Fiix mobile app. Use the links below to jump to the appropriate question:
What happens if two users work on the same work order, asset, cycle count or stock?
- Why can't I see certain features in the mobile app?
- How do I change the language for the mobile app?
- Why can't I view all work orders when filtering by assignment?
- Does the mobile app support mobile device management?
- Is site sharing available in the mobile app?
- How do I set session timeout on the mobile app?
In the Work Orders feature, you can view:
Active work orders with tasks assigned to you, your user group, or anyone who reports to you.
Your closed work orders, within 24 hours after they've been closed.
Work requests for the assets you have access to (in the Work Requests tab).
Additionally, in the Assets feature, you can view the work order history for your assets. To learn more, see View the work order history for an asset.
If you can't find a work order, double-check that:
The work order is active.
The work order is assigned to the appropriate person (you, your user group, or someone who reports to you), and their user account is active.
(For work orders assigned to your team) The person assigned to the work order is one of your direct reports. You can check this by making sure you're listed as their manager in their user profile (located in the web app in Settings > Users > Reports To).
The correct site is selected.
The user assigned to the work order is also assigned to the asset in the Personnel tab (in the web app).
The mobile app syncs regularly with the web app at the following intervals:
The Android app syncs every 15 minutes
The iOS app syncs every 10 minutes
The app also syncs when you make certain changes. To learn more, see Syncing the mobile app.
You can check when your app last synced by tapping More in the feature menu. The last sync time appears just below your name:
To sync manually, tap the Refresh button () in More.
While you’re logged in, the mobile app stores vital information such as user settings, databases, and login information. When you log out of the app, these details are removed from your device. If you want to ensure your images are saved, take a picture through your device’s camera, and upload it through the app (rather than taking the picture in the app itself). That way, you already have the image saved to your device before you even upload it to the app.
It depends on whether or not the changes are made on the same items:
If the changes were made on the same item, the app only keeps the most recent change (based on what time the changes were synced).
If the changes were made on different items, the app keeps both users’ changes. However, if the users sync at the same time, the first change could be lost.
Depending on how your administrator has configured the app, you might not have access to some of the features we describe.
If you belong to different user groups at different sites, check that the site you're on is the one where you have permission to access that feature. For example, a user who is a technician at Site A and a manager at Site B will not be able to access manager-specific features when they've selected Site A in the app.
If you still can't access a feature you need, contact your administrator.
If you're an administrator looking to enable mobile features for your users, see About mobile app settings to learn more.
Failure codes are only available on the Enterprise tier, and must be enabled by your administrator.
If the failure codes feature doesn't appear in a work order, it could be for one of the following reasons:
Your administrator hasn't enabled failure codes. To learn about enabling them, see Enable failure codes.
The work order has multiple assets. Failure codes are only available on single-asset work orders.
If the failure codes feature appears, but the code you want to assign isn't displayed, it could be for one of the following reasons:
The failure code is no longer active. To learn more, see Create failure codes.
Failure code nesting is enabled, and the failure code isn't assigned to the asset (or asset category) associated with that work order. To learn more, see Configure a failure hierarchy for an asset or asset category.
In the mobile app, the Assigned to field in a work order is read-only, and it displays the users who are assigned to tasks within the work order:
This means that to add a user to this field, you would need to create a task in the work order and assign it to that user. To learn more about tasks, see Add tasks to a work order.
For a list of API permissions you can change, see About mobile app settings.
Do not change permissions that are not included in this list, as this may cause the mobile app to behave unexpectedly.
Does the mobile app have a landscape mode?
Landscape mode is available for tablets and Android phones, but not for iOS phones.
Why can't I see certain features in the mobile app?
You may have to update your app. You can check the most recent version number in 2023 Mobile releases.
How do I change the language for the mobile app?
You can change the language of your mobile app through the app settings on your device.
By default, the mobile app respects your device language, as long as it is one of our supported languages. For example, if your device is set up to use Polish, the mobile app is displayed in Polish automatically.
If your device language is not supported, the app will be in English.
Why can't I view all work orders when filtering by assignment?
If you don't have the necessary permissions to view work requests and closed work orders, or if your organization has more than 7000 active work orders, you will see the My Team's Work filter instead of All Work Orders when filtering by assignment. My Team's Work displays both your work orders and the work orders of those who report to you.
Does the mobile app support mobile device management?
The app can be used with mobile device management (MDM) software. However, any issues that arise from integration should be addressed in the MDM software itself.
Is site sharing (sharing inventory between sites) available in the mobile app?
Site sharing is not available in the mobile app. To learn more, see Share inventory across sites.
How do I set session timeout on the mobile app?
You can use a single sign-on (SSO) service. SSO services allow you to select a session timeout for connected applications, including the Fiix mobile app.