Before you begin
Version: v6 (what does this mean?)
Plans: All
Audience: Administrators and users with the Delete user groups system role permission.
This article includes:
For more information on deleting user groups, see:
Delete user groups summary
Deleting a user group is permanent and cannot be undone. Only inactive user groups should be deleted. System default user groups, like Managers and Technicians, cannot be deleted (but can be renamed).
Deleting a user group will affect other areas of the app:
- The user group will not be visible or assignable in any new tasks, work orders, dashboard assignments, notifications, and “Completed by” fields.
- The user group’s assigned users will be removed from the user group. If those users have no other user groups, they’ll be groupless and might have trouble accessing the app.
- In open work orders that the user group was assigned to, the user group will be removed from the open work order and the work order will show as unassigned. In calendar view, this work order will also show as unassigned.
- In closed work orders, and other historical records like “Completed by” fields and reports, the deleted user group will remain for your records. The user group will appear with a [Deleted] tag: [image]. For a more detailed summary of the effects on different types of records, see below.
How to delete a user group
To delete a user group:
- Navigate to Settings > User Groups.
- Click the Actions (...) button of the user group to be deleted:
Click Delete:
- In the dialogue box, click Delete to confirm that the user group will be permanently deleted:
- A confirmation dialogue will briefly appear at the top of the screen to confirm that the user group has been deleted: