This release includes the following changes:
We now offer additional filter options for work orders in the mobile app. Previously, you could only filter by status:
Now, you can filter by My Work, Status, Priority, Due Date, and Maintenance Type.
To apply a filter, tap it in the Filters bar, or tap the Filter icon:
To learn more, see Filter work orders and Filter work requests.
As part of this feature, you can now view work requests in the Work Orders tab by applying the Requested status filter. You can also view the work request's Parts and Businesses information when you open the request in the Work Orders tab.
This release includes the following enhancements to the iOS app:
In the iOS app, a Not Synced indicator now appears on files that have been uploaded to existing work orders, assets, and work requests, but are not yet synced with the server. Previously, the enhancement was only available on Android devices. To learn more about how to sync your changes, see Sync the mobile app.
In the iOS app, asset codes are now displayed on the New work orders form.