This procedure demonstrates how to create a Request For Quote (RFQ). A RFQ is used to contact a supplier for the price of an item when the price is unknown, or to receive quotes from multiple suppliers for the same item. RFQ’s can be generated in three ways. They can be generated directly from the RFQ module, from a purchase request located in the purchasing planning board, and automatically when stock levels are low (see Stock & Minimum Quantity).
1. To create a RFQ directly from the RFQs module select Purchasing, RFQs, and New
2. Select a site
3. Click Add Supplier to add the supplier.
4. Shipping/Receiving is selected by default. Select the supplier from the Supplier dropdown menu, click Save.
5. Choose a location where the line items will be shipped to, by selecting the Ship To dropdown menu, and click Save. Information about the location will auto-populate in the blank fields.
6. Add line items by selecting Line Items, and clicking the New button
7. Select the line item from the Asset dropdown menu, add a Description (optional), and the number of items to the Qty Requested field. Once finished click OK.
8. Add a Quote # (optional), Expected Quote Response Date (optional), Expected Delivery Date (optional) by selecting the calendar, and click Save
9. Files are added to RFQs under the Files tab (optional). Files are not sent to the supplier. All files added to a RFQ are stored internally within the CMMS. To add files, select the file type from the menu, click New, and select the file from your computer. Files can also be added to RFQs by dragging and dropping the file in the Files window.
10. Click Preview tab to view the completed RFQ form
11. Click Send RFQ when the RFQ is complete
12. There are three options on the following page. The first option is to exit the window without making any changes. The second option is to click OK. This option changes the status of the RFQ to sent without sending the form to the supplier's email. This is used if the RFQ is generated by some other method, such as fax or telephone. The third option is to send the RFQ form to the supplier's email by clicking Send Email. Add the RFQ date to the form by selecting the Set RFQ Date calendar.
13. Selecting Send Email, or OK changes the status of the RFQ to Sent
14. When the supplier replies with a quote select, Line Items, add the values to the Qty Quoted and Unit Price Quoted fields, and click Save & Quote Received
15. The RFQ status changes to Received
2. Purchasing Planning Board
1. To create a RFQ from the purchasing planning board for an item with no assigned supplier select Purchasing, Purchasing Planning Board, and Select Supplier
Note:- A supplier must be associated with a line item to generate a RFQ
2. Select the Business, Business Type, add a Supplier Part Number, and Catalog. Select Display as primary business to display the business at the top of the part
3. Select Purchasing to configure the purchasing settings for the part.
- Selecting This is my preferred vendor, automatically adds the business to the RFQ, or any purchase requests for the part and supplies item.
- Selecting Send RFQ when lowstock occurs, automatically sends an RFQ to this business when low stock occurs.
- Selecting Add stock location as shipment address to RFQ, automatically adds the stock location to the RFQ when low stock occurs.
- Adding a value to the Reorder Quantity field, automatically adds this value to the quantity requested when low stock occurs.
- Adding a value to the Number of days for reorder delivery field, adds this value to the date that the RFQ is generated. The resulting date is used to define the expected delivery date for the RFQ. This date is only added to the RFQ that is generated automatically when low stock occurs.
Click OK to complete.
4. Select the item, and click Request Quote