Before you begin
Version: v5 (what does this mean?)
This article covers only the most basic steps for creating work orders. To learn about additional configuration you can complete, see the Work Orders section.
Work orders allow you to assign and track maintenance work that needs to be completed. You can create individual work orders manually (as described below) or generate work orders automatically using scheduled maintenance.
You can use a combination of these approaches to complete your maintenance. For example, if an asset is damaged unexpectedly, you could create an individual work order to deal with the repair. For that same asset, you could also have a scheduled maintenance that generates work orders weekly for regular maintenance, such as meter readings and inspections.
To create an individual work order manually:
Navigate to Maintenance > Work Orders.
Click New.
In the Asset drop-down list, select the asset that the work order affects.
In the Maintenance Type drop-down list, select the type of maintenance being performed.
We offer 10 default maintenance types that represent the most common use cases.
In the Priority drop-down list, select the work order's urgency.
If you want to add a due date for the work order, select a date in the Suggested Completion Date field.
Write a summary of the issue. This will be used as the description for the work order:
Assign the work order to a user or group of users by selecting the assignee in the Assigned To User drop-down list.
In the Work Instructions field, describe the work that needs to be completed. This information will be used to create a task.
If necessary, there's additional configuration you can do for tasks. To learn more about how to create and add different kinds of tasks to your work orders, see Labor Tasks.
If you want to provide a guideline for how long the work should take, enter a number of hours in the Estimated Labor field.
Click Save to create the work order.
Once your work order has been created, you can add any of the following information:
- Completion details
- Cost information
- Labor tasks
- Parts
- Meter readings
- Miscellaneous costs
- Purchase orders (Enterprise only)
- Notifications
- Files
- Custom fields (Enterprise only)
To learn more, see the articles linked above.
Next up: Scheduled maintenance