This procedure demonstrates how to view assigned assets. The assigned assets page is used to display a flat list of the assets that are directly, or indirectly linked to the user.
Assigned Assets
1. To view assigned assets select, Dashboard, and Assigned Assets. By default, the Assets assigned to: Me and users reporting to me filter is selected. "Me" refers to the user that is signed in.
2. To filter the list of Assigned Assets, select the Assets assigned to dropdown menu.
3. Select a filter option. The options are as follows:
- Me and users reporting to me - This will display your work orders, and the work orders for all users reporting to you.
- Me - Only your work orders will be displayed.
- A list of individual users that report to you - This will display all work orders for individual users that report to you (E.g., Matt Manager).
The example below lists all of the assets that are assigned to Matt Manager