This release includes the following changes:
ARP risk history change
In this release, we changed the way that risks are displayed in the Risk History section of the Asset Risk Prediction Overview dashboard. Previously, this chart showed the average risk across assets, which could lead users to believe that their assets are all at low or medium risk, even if one or more a high risk score.
Now, the chart shows the highest risk across their assets for each day. This helps you quickly identify issues that you need to investigate further. For example, if Asset A's highest risk was 500 and Asset B's highest risk was 900, the chart would display Asset B's risk score (i.e. 900) for that day.
Analytics enhancements
In this release, we improved the how work orders are grouped in the Work order explore (in Analytics) so that you can better differentiate between work orders that have been completed and ones that haven't.
A work order is considered "completed" if it has a completion date. This is independent from the work order's status.
The new groupings are:
Grouping | Is WO completed | WO's suggested completion date |
On-time | Yes | Is later than the actual completion date |
Late | Yes | Is earlier than the actual completion date |
Overdue | No | Is in the past |
In-progress | No | Is in the future |
This release also includes the following changes to other explores in Analytics:
Explore | Description |
Purchase order |
Added confirmation number, reorder delivery time, and reorder quantity fields. |
Scheduled maintenance |
Added a project field. |
Stock & supplies |
Added reorder delivery time and reorder quantity fields. |
User | Added user certifications fields, such as the certification name and dates. |