This article outlines the steps necessary to create a scheduled maintenance for an asset. Scheduled Maintenance is basically a template for your work orders, so for more complete info on the scheduled maintenance form, please see the Getting Started with Work Orders article here.
Similarities to work orders
Scheduled maintenance are nearly identical to work orders, the only differences being that the scheduled maintenance form has the Scheduling & Nested PMs tabs. All of the other fields are identical.
Think of a scheduled maintenance as a programs that runs in the background, constantly scanning your system. When the right conditions are met, e.g. a certain amount of time has elapsed, or a meter reading is greater than it should be, then the scheduled maintenance generates a work order.
Scheduled maintenance items create work orders. Scheduled maintenances are not work orders.
Create a scheduled maintenance
Navigate to Maintenance > Scheduled Maintenance and click New.
Scheduling tab
The Scheduling tab determines when the scheduled maintenance will create a work order. There are three types of triggers: Time Schedule (e.g. every 6 months), Meter Reading Trigger (e.g. if temperature exceed 110 F) and Event Trigger (e.g. if a power outage occurs).
- To add a trigger, click Scheduling, and click New.
- Select your Scheduled Maintenance Trigger, and click OK. More details about scheduled maintenance triggers are covered in a separate article.
- Repeat these steps for any additional triggers you need. You may want a scheduled maintenance to trigger a work order when ALL the triggers fire, or when ANY of the triggers fire.
For more information on Scheduled Maintenance Triggers, please see Scheduled Maintenance Triggers.
Start the scheduled maintenance
The default state of a new scheduled maintenance is Paused:
A Paused status means that the scheduled maintenance is NOT scanning for the trigger conditions, and it will not generate any work orders.
Click the Paused button to start the scheduled maintenance, and begin generating work orders.
- The Next Trigger Threshold column in the triggers list displays the date for the nearest threshold among all the time-based triggers in the SM, not the nearest threshold for the specific trigger.
You can configure a Schedule Maintenance so that even if it has a work order that’s not closed when a trigger threshold is met, it can still trigger a work order. Let’s say for audit purposes you must have 52 preventative work orders created from a scheduled weekly inspection, you can now simply go to the scheduled maintenance and set it up.